I‘ve been spending far too much time, or at least more time than the video warrants, trying to post a Youtube video here on the blog. Its just that I spent the best part of a summer holiday in 1983/4 somewhere in Devon playing the Spy Hunter arcade game, the proper sit in one of course.

This new commercial for Pontiac faithfully recreates the action in 3d. I think its pretty fantatastic, though as an advertisement it has the disadvantage that the product its selling is the worst looking vehicle in the piece.

Spy Hunter Arcade Game

You can download and play another 3d reinterpretation of spy hunter, here, called Highway Pursuit, Its pretty good fun, even if it does lack the classic Peter Gunn theme and skip all the Car/Boat/Car/Boat/Car/Car/Boat stuff.

If unlike me you have the correct number of shockwave plugins you can also maybe play the original online, Spy Hunter*…

*Site no longer live.